Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hiatus, over.

Finally the exams are over, and it's back to blogging (even though i'm kinda sorta losing the mood)

Since my absence at velilah.blogspot:
2. Laptop was in a bag along with my econs notes (hello econs exam in 3days)
3. Retainers was in bag as well (wtf is that fcuker gonna do with it)
4. Broke down the night before my chem exam and ahhaha walked in with zero knowledge and crapped my way through the paper
5. Slept at 5.30 and watched sunrise the night(morning) before my human paper
6. Slept for 12 hrs last night and woot it felt good
7. Dinner with CPD after my last paper yay yay yay

Oh btw random note i rly fucking need to get my eyes checked for i am seriously going blind -.-

Pictures coming up when i am back at the apartment. No, it's not kl for the term holidays, its wellington st and boohoo i miss home.

More soon.

Oh and since doreen was reading horoscopes off friendster, i got mine for the day as well;
Make sure you are realistic about today -- you must balance your optimism with caution, and not believe everything you see right away. Be a little bit more skeptical and don't shy away from questioning authority. This is not a time to take anything for granted -- while you want to think the best of people, sometimes it's just not smart. There is too much duality in the air, and too many people who are just saying what they think you want to hear.

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