Monday, October 13, 2008

Farewell Holidays, Hello WORKLOAD.

I spent the morning afternoon cleaning the house and i must say, i'm pretty proud of it :) Okay anyway after dinner the Brother went out and came home telling me this.

Brother: Whoa, we just went to Kings Park and a friend's friend had her car broken into man.
Me: *flashback to the night my lappie got stolen*

Apparently she left her bag in her car and lost her phone, credit cards, wallet and passport. Gosh i feel so bad for her seeing that i know what it feels like and everything. Tsk, those breaking into cars out there really need to fucking get lives #@*&#)($#@
Ugh, I don't even wanna talk about it anymore, curse those motherfuckers gr gr gr!

Back to the boardinghouse tm, and i must admit i'm gonna miss waking up at midday everyday and also my couch potato lifestyle. Then again, a month from today I would have already finished ALL my papers and be partying like rockstar clearing out my room @ the boarding house.

Terror Tuesday awaits, with my Mock results waiting patiently for me. I never really reflected on how i did for Mocks, but aiya i tried my best so we'll see. 
Gotta pack now then Friends for a bit more. Hey, it's all work when i go back to school, so let me break freeeeeeeeee kthanks!

~See you girls back in boarding :)

22 days to TEE
36 days to HOME :D

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