Saturday, October 25, 2008

Graduated Class of 2008

Post coming up soon.

Too fucking exhausted yo.

Quick note:
To the graduated Class of 2008,

It's been an awesome journey spent with you guys, from the time I arrived in Yr9 all the way to Yr12. I will never forget the moments I've been through with every single one of you, and I thank all of you for always being there for me.
It's sad to think that we have to finally go our separate ways, but this IS the moment that we've been waiting for the past nine months. Although the thought of not seeing each other on a daily basis(in green uniforms ofc) is pretty daunting, but remember that we're moving on to a new chapter in life with greater events and sweeter memories coming your way. Treasure the memories we've made all these times together, and always keep in touch no matter how far the distance (theres Facebook!)

I love you guys, and congrats! We've made it till the end together.

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