Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's a MACE

The HTC finally works now and i can transfer photos over! The brother came to the rescue by doing some downloading shit online and i can finally access all my photos and songs on the tytn:)

Most importantly, i can post up photos of my new inflatable hammer or shall i say, MACE.

*random flashback*
(talking on the phone with someone)
Someone: Oi so how was royal show?
Brother in the background: ITS A MACE OKAY.

Ok lor, it's a freaking mace we all get it.


Okay, i forced my brother to take that last one :p

Btw, my current bestfriend is photobucket since i can easily edit(add random words) to my pictures before uploading them. (ahem, do i hear procastinating?)
Besides, saves me having to put captions on the photos. Takes less time but it screws up the layout so tadaaaaaaaaaaa.

I hardly took ANY photos because um i was too busy looking at farm animals and aww-ing at cutie dogs. I DO have photos of un-interesting goats -.- BUT theres one that my brother took of a pig LOL. I'll post that up when i get it!

Time to hit the sack/go to bed/CRASH.
More overdued photos/updates coming upppp.

Wan an!

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