Take a bow-Rihanna
Hello hello i am at econs(privatestudy) right now and instead of going through terms of trade bla bla bla i am blogging/wasting time/calculating my ter scores. Doth shall not get into details with my current TER and everything, let me just say its "acceptable" for this point in time but still have to lou lek kar yao!
The weekend was fun/slack and was inclusive of me eating the fuck out and watching tv all weekend. It was good fun i must say without feeling too guilty about not doing heaps of work.
Then again, UMAT is on wednesday and i really need to go on with those umat booklets instead of walking in like a blank fool. I kinda wanna make use of that $160 and actually getting some sort of result la woi..
HAHA funny story. This happened during econs class earlier when i wasnt procastinating. Of course, main character is once again Iyesha.
Random girl: My targer is 96 TER
Random girl 2: Oh my target is 95.5
Vic: Target saya adalah untuk makan selama-lamanya
Iyesha: Target saya adalah untuk tidur selama-lamanya and rogol polar bear
sigh sigh iyesha iyesha.
ok time to go and "study" bye!
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