Sunday, July 13, 2008

A weekend to go

It's amazing how time flies every holiday and before you know it, it's back in the boarding house cramming last minute work again. I hate the fact that i've only got another weekend to go then it's back on that plane again. I've/We all have exams coming up again and before we even know it, it's the holidays again, but this time less of a "woot holidays are here" since i won't be flying home. Then after the holidays it's school again and after graduation it's exams AGAIN.

I know that the past leavers are all going "enjoy yr 12 man, you'll fucking miss it" and i know i will, but right now, NO THANK YOU i just wanna get it over and done with. It's a burden waking up and thinking "shit i have a test today" or "damn, results are out today".

Up until this point i have no idea what the hell i'm rambling on about, or even the point of the first two paragraphs, but oh well its my blog i can do what i want. I guess it's just the thought of having to fly back again soon. Oh the trauma.

Ok i am gonna run and bury my head under the pillow or bang it against the wall since i don't know what i'm on about and i kinda ran out of things to ramble on about.

A proper post awaits!

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