Friday, March 27, 2009

A good day made better

Twas a good day.
I left for uni at 11 and checked the mail before leaving.
& the day then got even better!

THANK YOU so much babe! I know this was the drawing you did in attempt to cheer me up during my "im so emo lah" times. It worked babe. It's such an awesome drawing and thank you for taking the time to do it. It definitely made my day and thanks for always being there for me.

Corny woiiii i know, but THANKS love xx


I did not skip my chem lecture today *pats head* and although the weather was being a biatch, Wanshing and I still went grocery shopping. Finally the weekend again (shit damn fast) and it's week6 next week. Assignment due dates coming up srslyyyy. I need motivation. Study buddy anyone? I need to find a place - somewhere other than home with wireless, where i can sit, ilecture my ass off and be motivated to study/complete assignments. Any suggestions?

That's all for now.


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